Introducing our latest collection of Karma Pendant Necklaces, but in today's modern world Karma is often misunderstood.
Its often thought that Karma means that people get what they deserve. However here is karma's true meaning as explained here by Barbara O’Brien of the blog:
“The word “karma” means “action,” not “fate.” In Buddhism, karma is an energy created by wilful action, through thoughts, words and deeds. We are all creating karma every minute, and the karma we create affects us every minute.It’s common to think of “my karma” as something you did in your last life that seals your fate in this life, but this is not Buddhist understanding. Karma is an action, not a result. The future is not set in stone. You can change the course of your life right now by changing your volitional (intentional) acts and self-destructive patterns.”
Karma is energy, the energy we generate now and in the future will effect us. But it has nothing to do with punishment and karma is in our control.
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